Cobute stair system

There is security for an engineer to know that the principal reinforcement in the structural elements has been fixed in the right place in the factory, rather than be subject to the hazards of a building site where incorrect steel fixing, poor cover control, poor placing of concrete, etc. are every day occurrences
— Pr.Eng. Ugo Rivera
Cobute Precast+ Stairs

The structural elements of the Cobute staircase

The structural elements of the Cobute staircase

The elements of the Cobute precast slab ( panels and ribs) and beam system create the perfect elements for staircase shutters. The Cobute staircase is a modular system with interlocking elements and no measurement constraints: it then satisfies any job specifications and many shapes and landings (such as dog-leg, U and L shaped among many more) and landings, except for the round ones. As per the all the Cobute Precast slab and beam systems, only minimal shuttering is required.

 Technical details

The Cobute stair consists of 5 elements - side girders, ribs, panels and riser - light to handle and easy to install on site. The left and right girders form the R.C. frame of the element, which is then filled by precast ribs and panels. Before casting, risers are installed. Each staircase is custom- made according to the job requirements; a straight flight of stairs can be installed, ready for casting, in roughly 2 hours by 4 labourers

Typical stair design (click to enlarge)

Typical stair design (click to enlarge)

Typical section


What sets the Cobute stairs apart?

Cobute precast stair installation

  • It’s a flexible system to fit diverse job requirements

  • Elements are easy and light to manoeuvre 

  • Easy and fast installation

  • Minimal shuttering

  • The principal reinforcement in the structural elements is fixed in the factory

  • When the Cobute elements are integrated, the project can be cast in only one pour, minimising risks of cold joints and cracks, with concrete savings.





Do you have any questions about our system? Check the staircase FAQ or contact us for a free proposal.